This week…

Maths:  The boys have been asked which topics they would like to cover again before the end of the year and this week we will be working on calculating missing angles in right angles, straight lines and full circles.  We will also be looking at the topic of shape later in the week (which will lead into next week too).  Some of the boys have forgotten how to do written methods of subtraction and multiplication and although I have covered this in class it may be a good idea to go over these again at home.


English:  We are starting our unit of stories from other cultures and using a story called ‘The paradise carpet’ which explores many PSHE themes too.  The children will be learning how to write persuasively and there will be a lot of speaking activities involving persuasive discussions too.  We have revised how to use paragraphs and I have asked all of the boys to make a real effort to include paragraphs as they write.