This week…

English: We are continuing to look at stories from other cultures and this week we have another story for the boys to explore.


We will not be issuing new spellings this week as next week is a busy week with various off timetable activities and we therefore won’t be able to test the boys.

Below is a link to the ‘Handa’s Surprise’ online book to help with the illustrations for homework this evening:


Maths: My set will be looking at measuring and drawing angles using a protractor and then calculating angles without a protractor.


This week…

Maths:  My maths set are looking at converting mixed numbers to improper fractions and vice versa.  Towards the end of the week we will also be revising how to use a protractor.

English: We will be continuing to look at stories from other cultures and this week our class book is an old favourite; ‘Handa’s Surprise’.  The boys will be rewriting the story for an older audience.


This week…

Maths:  We are continuing to look at fractions this week.  Our focus will be fractions of amounts and changing fractions to decimals.

English:  We are continuing to build up to writing a story called ‘A CHANGE OF HEART’.  By Thursday we will be ready to write!


To help with tonight’s homework on the suffix ‘ous’ here is the PowerPoint that we used in class:

Lesson Presentation suffix -ous-2noip62

Humanities homework


new place blog task

Imagine you are the leader of a wandering tribe and you have arrived in a new land where you would like to settle.

Your task is to choose where you would like to settle and to convince the other members of the tribe that your choice is a good one.  Think about the advantages of your choice and the disadvantages of the alternative places.  Think about how the Aztec leaders persuaded their tribes.  Be creative!

Leave your work as a comment below.



I am the leader of my wondering tribe. I have to settle down. My thoughts are to live on a valley with a river. It would be a good place because you have water and fish. You also have the meat provided by wild animals, and fruit which you can get from the trees, you can also grow vegetables. You also have: stones, water, and enriched soil.

If you are attacked you can spot enemies by standing on rocks, you can also dig holes and cover them with rocks. You can also throw rocks from the mountain at your enemy.

Living in the valley is better than the field because you’ve got richer soil and you’re not open to enemies you also have a river and more food supplies.

It’s better than the forest because you have soil, trees and a river, you can also spot enemies easily.

It is better than living on a river because you have the nutrients and you won’t need to worry about drowning or build bridges or stakes.



I have chosen the forest because if we were getting attacked we could hide in the forest. We have access to the river which is water we can drink and fish. We can cut the trees to make fishing rods and to build homes for the village. Out of the woods we cam make weapons like bow and arrows, spears, clubs, shields and mask. On a hill it is a lot harder to build and dig because it is very rocky and hard to dig down. We could build tree houses high up in the trees so when our enemies look for us we can shoot them with our bow and arrows and we are in camouflage.