This week…

Maths: This week my maths group will be looking at number sequences.  This may include negative numbers, number sequences that decrease and those sequences where each term increases by a set amount or a varying amount.


English:  The year 4 library competition is being launched this week which the boys will be set for homework.  In class we will be looking at characterisation and we will be using Roald Dahl as a stimulus.  In grammar we are continuing to work on adjectives and our spelling focus for this week will be plurals.


This week…

Maths:  My maths group will be looking at place value this week.  This involves reading and writing numbers with up to 7 digits and knowing the value of each digit.

Literacy:  We will be looking at our class reader ‘Danny Champion of the World’ and using this as a stimulus for most of our work this week.  The boys will be writing persuasive pieces of writing and also some descriptive work using the first chapter as a starting point.  Our grammar focus for the week will be capital letters (proper nouns, sentence openings and looking at where they are NOT needed).